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  • Writer's pictureSarah Wingler

Week 11: Yoga as Meditation

I have tried meditation without the asanas before. I usually would do a ritual where I had the same setting, the same smells, and the same noises to open and close my meditations. I did this with the help of a manifestations work book. Though I would feel calm and more clear headed after, the feeling did not compare to being focused and mediating during a yoga practice.

This week, I went home for thanksgiving. I was able to attend my first in person class in almost a year at my home studio. It felt so nice being in person, and I felt like I had never had a break from yoga. There were seven spots in the class, and I recognized a lot of familiar faces. One of the people attending the class had not practiced in person yoga in a long time as well, and was emotional at the end. We also received a lecture about meditation this week and how it helps calm the mind. It was interesting how focusing on the present and meditating is able to be detected during brain scans. It was also interesting to hear the science behind how meditation calms anxiety.

I practice my meditation during yoga mostly naturally. I remember hearing that there is no right way to meditate. Meditating for me is being completely focused, not having my mind wander, and being in the present moment. I feel the different sensations as I am in different poses and adjust my body, which helps me focus. During savasana, my teacher either has a guided meditation or I just let my mind wander without being focused on due dates or what I’m doing later. It is so much easier to remain focused and meditate when I am at a studio because of the environment I am in and associating the space with a meditation.

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