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  • Writer's pictureSarah Wingler

Week #2: The Studio as a Ritual Space

For my practice, I typically watch YouTube videos with different teachers and intentions each time. I always make sure my room is clean, light a candle, and get rid of any distractions such as my phone. Typically, I have a calm playlist that I play in the background of the YouTube videos, as I am used to this when I practice in a studio. I also have a small buddha statue that I place in the front of the room, as my focal point. My roommates know to give me space when I am doing yoga, as I am up in my room with the door closed. I make sure to start my practice knowing that the next hour is dedicated to yoga, and nothing else. This helps me take time away from homework assignments and other responsibilities, as these dominate the majority of my week.

This week, I watched a 40-minute yoga video by Yoga With Adriene that centered around opening the ‘third’ chakra. The practice was opened with the explanation of the yellow chakra, which according to Adriene helps with self-esteem and serving others. The Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel has been around for quite some time, with many options of videos to choose from as well as an instructor with a lot of experience with virtual classes. This allowed the class to flow seamlessly, with helpful cues and descriptions of each pose.

Overall, due to how my room is decorated and the rituals I preform before my practice, such as lighting my candle, I am able to create a calm and sacred space. This is helpful when it comes to watching online yoga classes, as it feels like I am in my own personal studio. A main difference I have noticed since watching and attending virtual classes is having to look up at a computer screen when I am confused during certain cues. However, the instructor, Adriene, was very descriptive and helpful. She also was able to make the video personal and suggest modifications, which is hard to do through a video. This allowed me to be more in the moment and focus on my poses and my calm environment, which greatly improved the experience.

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