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  • Writer's pictureSarah Wingler

Week 3: Yoga as Physical Culture

In American culture, yoga is commonly thought of as a physical practice. The stigma of yoga as an exercise is due to gyms offering ‘yoga’ classes. In my experience, these practices focus on fitness rather than the spiritual and meditative aspect of yoga. However, many are starting to understand that yoga is a spiritual practice that connects the mind and body. Though *certain* yoga classes can help people get in shape, it is more than Zumba or running. Personally, I have used yoga as a way to become grounded. The hour I take for myself to focus on nothing but breathing and poses allows me to connect with myself. Many of my teachers have called this connection “getting into your body.”

The first class I took this week was another class with Yoga with Adriene. The title was ‘Yoga for Grounding.’ This restorative practice allowed me to start my day feeling more focused and in tune with myself. This was a slower, less intensive practice than I am used to, which allowed me to clear my mind and feel the stretches deeply.

The Bikram yoga practice taken with Diane Polli was another restorative class. This particular practice was hard to focus on at times due to it being a live class and the fast cues given, however it was a great learning experience. The class, though a restorative sequence, made me break a sweat. Diane explained the switch between hard poses and relaxing in savasana as the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. This meant that after each hard pose, the body would then relax. I also found the twists and adjustments helpful for my back. Though I did not have a full mind-body connection during the practice, the savasana and chanting at the end of the practice was very calming. The non-traditional (for Bikram yoga) chanting and affirmations that Diane said were reassuring and very needed at the end of the practice.

Overall, yoga has helped me through so much throughout the past years. Though I do not fully understand ‘enlightenment’ or the full meaning of yoga, I know that it is more than just an exercise. Yoga has allowed me to learn more about myself and my body, as well as ground me and clear my mind. Yoga has served as a meditation and relaxation practice for me, which is why it is important for me to incorporate it into my weekly routine.

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