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  • Writer's pictureSarah Wingler

Week 4: Practice as Ritual

Updated: Oct 23, 2020

After reading the Nevrin article, “Empowerment and Using the Body in Modern Postural Yoga,” I have further analyzed my yoga practice as a ritual. As Nevrin states, “we are not simply entering a neutral space” when we practice yoga. Instead, everything is made to have a meaning (Nevrin). Nevrin questions how each physical sensation, such as sight, touch, or smell, makes us feel. I have always seen my practice as a ritual. From lighting candles, playing music, and going through steps to set myself up for yoga.

When I used to practice in person at a studio, the environment always felt calm and inviting, mostly due to past experiences and the comfort level I had with my teachers and peers. Each physical movement and sensation provides an emotional response due to my past experiences. The sounds, smells, and physical environment I have experienced since doing yoga classes online has shifted the way I see my practice. As stated by Levin “’the bodily felt sense’” is a sense of presence and awareness (Nevrin). This has been harder to achieve doing online classes, as the ritual is not the same. Unlike in person yoga classes, I don’t go through the motions of setting aside two hours of my day, getting dressed, driving to the studio, putting my things in the cubby, taking off my shoes, and getting on the mat; all of which helped me bring myself to awareness. Instead, I roll out of bed and on to my mat, unsure of my responsibilities for the day. However, there is room for improvement of my awareness as I learn to adjust my ritual for practice.

As far as a “heightened richness of sensory experience,” I know I feel more awareness in my body the more I practice yoga (Nevrin). This week, I did another class with ‘yoga with Adriene’ titled “self-love.” Her intention for the class was to strengthen and stretch the body but also take a slow pace to become in tune with oneself. I enjoyed the extra movement and ‘humble’ movements that Adriene suggested. I also enjoyed her calm tone of voice. Completeing this practice while thinking of the Nevrin article helped me think about how aware I was becoming to the physical sensations of the practice.

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