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  • Writer's pictureSarah Wingler

Week 7: Yoga as a Lifestyle & Culture

Yoga in Western culture has transitioned into “pop culture.” Once a practice that was traditional and seen as unorthodox, yoga has become cool and trendy. Many forms of yoga exist. Furthermore, it is now considered ‘trendy’ to go to a yoga class. Themes in modern classes such as puppy yoga, goat yoga, and classes that incorporate wine are offered everywhere. Celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Miley Cyrus practice yoga, which can inspire fans to do the same.

A prime example of yoga being seen as “pop culture” is the fact that classes are available on youtube, a social media platform. The yoga classes I have been taking online are aesthetically pleasing and earn money from advertisements, views, and likes. However, without social media I would not have access to classes during a pandemic.

Yoga has changed in order to be accepted more by western culture, but it does not fully have to be a bad thing that yoga is being incorporated as pop-culture. Schools are opening up to the idea of teaching yoga to kids in order to teach them how to ground themselves and channel their energy. Groups of friends can join a class or yoga community and connect on deeper levels. Yoga is no longer seen as “counter-culture” and cult-like like it once was.

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