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  • Writer's pictureSarah Wingler

Week 9: Definitions of Yoga

Yoga can be defined in many different ways, primarily a ‘lifestyle’. In Western culture, it is often described as exercise or a healthy routine. It is also known as a spiritual practice that was once thought to be taboo. Mentioned in my week 6 blogs, yoga can also be defined as a healing practice. All of these definitions can be created by culture, different teachers, and the environment in which yoga is practiced. 

In the spaces in which I am currently practicing, primarily youtube, yoga is defined as a relaxing practice to get into one’s body. Through this class, I have learned many different styles and definitions of yoga. I have found the best connection through ashtanga yoga, where the teacher does not promote a specific reaction that I must feel through the practice. Instead, how I feel during the practice is up to my interpretation.

The connections I make to the definition of yoga and the group practices we have during class changes constantly since the theme of each class changes. Some classes promote physical healing, while others promote healing through the breath of fire. Connections made outside of the context of the practice space include the lifestyle aspect of yoga. Yoga encourages me to live a healthier lifestyle and eat better. Overall, connecting with different yoga practices makes it harder to create one definition and connection.

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