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  • Writer's pictureSarah Wingler

Week 5: Yoga Practice as Community

This week, I attended two mandatory yoga classes, one being Iyengar yoga and the other being ashtanga. The Iyengar class was met with an introduction by the teacher, Amita, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­and the history of BKS Iyengar. The sense of community and devotion to this type of yoga was interesting. Amita made sure to tell us of the sacrifice and devotion that Iyengar contributed to finding this practice. She also emphasized that anyone could do this practice and that it was made accessible for all. This creates a sense of community where everyone is welcome to enjoy the practice that was made for them. I personally did not like the sequencing and transitions as much as other practices, however I can see where the sense of community comes from in Iyengar.

Another practice from this week was an Ashtanga class. Ashtanga was my favorite practice while I was still practicing yoga in person. I remember going to my first Ashtanga class and instantly feeling like I was a part of a community. Those in the class came frequently and knew each other. The students also helped each other with poses and tips. Everyone was in sync and seemed at similar levels with the primary series, and I kept coming back to class for the sense of community and desire to get to the next poses. I enjoyed the virtual Ashtanga class with Andrew. I also enjoyed his advice and discovery on why he wanted to be a yoga teacher, as well as his journey. This class helped me feel grounded because of its fast pace as well as being satisfied with the physical exercise.

I think it is very difficult to not be in a studio practicing yoga when it comes to feeling a sense of community. Completing the classes live on zoom this week certainly helped promote more of a sense of community than pre-recorded videos. Furthermore, I think that different teachers and students creates a different sense of community for each yoga class. My Ashtanga and Vinyasa teachers at home seemed to focus less about a business and advertising aspect and more on building connections with the community. I can see how certain yoga pioneers use their name to create a more self-centered practice, like how the Iyengar teacher included a long introduction about BKS Iyengar’s life and sacrifice. I am excited to eventually try in person classes to find a sense of community near my school and learn more about if certain studios teach students or clients.

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